Affordable Housing Continuing Education

Education Leadership Center

The leading source of affordable housing education and certification in Minnesota.

The AHC Education and Leadership Center (ELC) offers educational courses that incorporate testing and certification for content mastery as well as courses on single topics such as Fair Housing and various aspects of Annual Compliance reporting. Our ELC collaboration with Hamline University focuses on developing the next generation of industry leaders, enchancing their skills through theย Leadership in Affordable Housing Certificateย (LAHC).

We also offer continuing education courses on specific topics for property managers and those new to working with AHC or affordable housing.

Annual Industry Seminar

This session is intended for project owners, compliance managers, and senior-level site and property staff with extensive experience working with Sec. 42, HOME, and/or other affordable housing rental programs.

The full day event will be December 9th, 2025ย at Wilder Center.


Formerly the Consolidated Housing Annual Reporting Tool or CHART, this is a free on-line course for those reporting the HOME | LIHTC activities of their AHC monitored properties. Join us for this course and not only learn how best to complete and submit your propertyโ€™s annual CHARTConnect and program compliance certifications but also pick up a few excel tips to best self-audit, self-correct, and self-achieve, compliance reporting excellence.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 3 hours of real estate continuing education.ย 

First Year Projectsย 

This session is intended for owners, managers, and anyone else who wants to learn more about projects pending first year compliance reporting and the agreements and documents needed for timely setup for ongoing monitoring. The session will also highlight key timelines for receipt of agreements and forms needed, from funding application through the first year of monitoring.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 1.5 hours of real estate continuing education.ย 

New to AHC

This session is designed to introduce AHC to new owners or management agents of properties monitored by AHC.ย  During this session, you will learn about AHC, our monitoring process and the reporting requirements of your assisted property.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 1.5 hours of real estate continuing education.ย 

Preparing for Your Site Visit

During this session, we will walk you through how to prepare for a successful site visit. From file reviews to physical inspections, this course prepares you for the full site visit process.

This course will also be offered on April 16 and June 18, 2025.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 2 hours of real estate continuing education.ย 

Qualifying a Household

This session is targeted to staff responsible for accepting rental applications, obtaining verifications of income and assets and determining household eligibility for projects.

Topics include Tenant Application and Data Practices form, Treatment of Student Households, Verifications, Certifications, Clarifications, Tenant Income Certification (TIC), Monitoring Tenant Files, Pitfalls and Common Errors and compliance โ€œBest Practices.โ€

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 3 hours of real estate continuing education.ย 

EUP/3 Year Tenant Protections

Is your project entering into its Extended Use Period or 3 Year Tenant Protection Period?ย  There are nuances to the compliance requirements during these phases of your projects that are important for you to know.ย  Join us and we will walk your through everything you need to know to maintain compliance during the final years of your project!

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 1 hour of real estate continuing education.ย 

Fair Housing Information Sessions

This Fair Housing Course is designed for property owners, managers, representatives, and any staff interacting with current or prospective renters. This training will help you to identify key historical events and trends in Fair Housing while examining the responsibilities of property owners under federal laws, state laws, and local ordinances.

You can sign up for the training specific to your geographic area of the FHIC. The complete list of dates is on our ELC Calendar; filter the Meeting Type to Fair Housing to see only those dates listed.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 1.5 hours of real estate continuing education.ย 

Looking for More?

Consider our Tax Credit Compliance Specialist Certification.

After a day and a half of training, during which you will learn everything from the basics of credit allocations to the intricacies of qualifying a household and layered funding, you will have the opportunity to take a test to earn your Tax Credit Compliance Specialist certification (TCCS).

Corporate training is available.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has approved this course for 7.5 hours of real estate continuing education.ย